NLN Honors New Jersey League for Nursing with Constituent League Innovation Award

NLN Honors New Jersey League for Nursing with Constituent League Innovation Award

State League to Be Honored at the Upcoming NLN Education Summit in Las Vegas, September 28-30

Washington, DC — The National League for Nursing Constituent League Excellence in Innovation Award will be presented this year to the New Jersey League for Nursing. The state’s affiliate league has been chosen for successfully implementing at least one innovation to support the League’s mission and goals. The New Jersey League for Nursing last received this award in 2020, making them a rare two-time winner of an NLN Constituent Award. Formal recognition will take place at the NLN Education Summit, September 28-30 at the Mirage in Las Vegas.

“The New Jersey League for Nursing showed exceptional ability to maintain their member enrollment throughout the pandemic, a time of unprecedented challenge for our Constituent Leagues working to extend the reach and impact of the National League for Nursing through state and regional programming and partnerships,” said NLN Chair Kathleen Poindexter, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, interim associate dean of academic affairs at Michigan State University in Lansing. “The New Jersey League has gone above and beyond this agenda, tapping into community health connections to offer new scholarship opportunities, which is of the highest priority with a persistent nursing shortage aggravated by COVID-19-triggered burnout and retirements.”

For the past three years, the New Jersey League has offered a grants and scholarships program for up to 25 students at all levels of educational progression. At the end of 2021, the New Jersey League was awarded a $100,000 scholarship grant from the Community Health Connections Fund. This will allow the League to present multiple substantial scholarship awards to New Jersey nurses to help them achieve their education goals with the impact realized in health care and the communities they serve.

NLN President and CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN said, “I look forward to congratulating the leadership of the New Jersey League for Nursing at our upcoming Summit for this vital initiative to expand the state’s nursing and nurse faculty workforce in New Jersey. Their efforts reflect our broader mission to promote educational excellence in the service of equitable access to inclusive, culturally sensitive patient care. Thanks to the New Jersey League for Nursing, nursing students and nursing education have benefitted significantly from direct material support, as well as from the recognition of their value as essential health care professionals to improved health care across New Jersey.”

For more information about the 2022 NLN Education Summit, visit

About the National League for Nursing

Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the premier organization for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers professional development, networking opportunities, testing services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its nearly 45,000 individual and 1,100 institutional members, comprising nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education and health care organizations. Learn more at

August 25, 2022


Michael Keaton, Deputy Chief Communications Officer