Resource Center
Protecting Yourselves, Your Students & Your Program
The U.S. has a growing number of cases with multiple deaths due to human-to-human transmission of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). At schools of nursing, faculty are emphasizing with students all aspects of infection control and how to find the most appropriate, accurate, and current information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The National League for Nursing will continue to provide updates about the impact of the coronavirus on nursing education through the bi-weekly NLN Member Update as well as on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Nursing students may be concerned for their own safety during clinicals and uncertain how to communicate appropriately with patients. Transparency and open communication are vital. So far it appears that the people most at risk are the elderly and those who are already sick with depressed immune systems or preexisting conditions.
The experts at McKinsey & Company have posted an article about the business implications of this outbreak along with scenarios to consider and how to address them. Some of the tips and advice may apply to nursing schools or programs too.
Also, take time now to think about a family contingency plan that will work for a period of time in case of isolation and containment for public health reasons. The NLN is making contingency plans that include how to stay in contact with members as needed.
Thank you to the courageous clinicians both here and abroad who are now on the frontlines, working to keep us all safe.
Tips & Advice
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Downloadable Information
COVID-19 Vaccine Educational Materials: 6 Resources for Nursing Students
The Coronavirus: Tips to Protect Yourself
COVID-19: Stop the Spread of Germs
Message to the Nursing Education Community
Caution on Homemade Masks for Healthcare Workers
A Letter from NLN President Dr. Patricia Yoder-Wise
4 Self-Care Strategies for Caregivers in a Crisis
Coronavirus Frontline Report: A Global Day of Recognition for Frontline Workers
Spring 2020 Graduation
NLN CEO Dr. Beverly Malone 2020 Graduation Message
DAISY Foundation Nursing Students Commencement Message
DAISY Foundation Special Message to Nursing Faculty
Additional Resources
Professional Licensure Requirements Effective July 1, 2020
NCSBN Preparing Nurses for COVID-19 Catalog
Keeping Sane While Sheltering in Place
Inspiration: I Am a Nurse - A Song for All the World's Nurses
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Directory of Local Health Departments
Strategic Diversity Leadership & Culturally Relevant Decision-Making During COVID-19 Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic thrust us into a reality for which we were unprepared. Over the last few months, we have had to find effective and inclusive ways to work together, teach students, and lead teams in the virtual space. Join Dr. Damon A. Williams,
author of the best-selling Strategic Diversity Leadership: Activating Change and Transformation in Higher Education, as he shares insights, innovative best-practices, strategies, and solutions to help you navigate through -- and thrive within -- the
current uncertainty of this time as individuals, leaders, and professionals. By leveraging national data, introspective stories, and the pragmatic voice that can only come from having led diversity, equity, and inclusion-related organizational change
efforts at all levels of leadership, this session will empower, educate, and inspire hope in all who attend. Co-hosted with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Watch Now
Virtual Resources
The NLN Division for Innovation in Education Excellence with contributions from NLN Simulation Leaders compiled virtual resources on COVID-19 and virtual simulation options for pre-licensure students and NP students.
Virtual Resources on COVID-19 -
Links current as of 1/6/2021
Virtual Simulation Options for Undergraduate Students - Links current as of 1/6/2021
Virtual Simulation Options for Nurse Practitioner Students - Links current as of 1/6/2021
NLN Simulation Leaders have contributed to the OADN Virtual Simulation Reviews on the Unbound Medicine platform.
Browse the Coronavirus Resource Center using this index:
Taking Aim Webinar Series
Virtual Resources
Tips, Advice & Resources
Stories from the Frontlines
Advocacy Action

Taking Aim Webinar Series
The NLN Division for Innovation in Education Excellence hosted two Taking Aim webinar series in 2020. The first series, Taking Aim: Addressing Online Teaching Challenges, was put together quickly in the spring in response to the sudden need to close campuses and teach all courses online. The second series, Taking Aim at Good Teaching, focused on learning from experts who successfully implemented remote teaching strategies. Our experts shared solutions grounded in today’s neuroscience principles. View complimentary recordings of the 2020 webinars below.
Advocacy Action
TAANA's Position on COVID-19
Joint Letter to Congressional Leaders: Increase Financial Support and PPE for Health Care Workers
Joint Letter to Congressional Leaders: Associations Need More Federal Emergency Relief to Survive Coronavirus Impact
NLN Letter to Vice President Pence and Congressional Leaders: Ensure PPE Availability to Provide Safe Working Environments
NLN Letter to President Trump: Ensure PPE Availability for Every Nurse, Other Health Care Providers, and First Responders
NLN Letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Congressional Leaders: Provide Federal Financial Support for Nonprofits
Stories from the Frontlines
We are all witnessing the exultation as nurses and other members of the health care team escort masked patients through the corridors, away from the hospital. The caring exemplified by these nurse professionals and leaders, their diversity, integrity, and excellence, will be forever etched in our memories.
Here are just a few inspirational stories, in their own words, about what nurses and nurse educators, their colleagues, their institution, or their students are doing to cope and innovate during this crisis.
Nurse Educators Combat COVID-19 Vaccine Myths
Vaccinating America Against COVID-19
Nurses Know the Truth about COVID-19 Vaccine Myths