July 20, 2016 | NLN Member Update: Certification News

header XIX, Issue Number 14

July 20, 2016
bevphoto Dear Colleagues,

Not a day goes by that we are not reminded of our interconnectedness. What in past years may have seemed far away – something that happened to others – now has an immediate impact on all of us. I’m thinking specifically of the heartbreaking events of the 14th of July in Nice, France; the deaths in Orlando, Baton Rouge, and suburban St. Paul; and the recent murders of police officers, but there are many examples. We are one world, connected in amazing ways. Our hearts go out to the people of France and the victims of the most recent horrific terrorist attack, as well as all those affected by violence, in our country and abroad.

I’m grateful that our interconnectedness also has an up side. And today I’d like to tell you about something truly wonderful that is happening at the NLN. Our 10-year-old Certified Nurse Educator program is expanding internationally, in partnership with CGFNS International, Inc. Going forward, nurse faculty outside the United States who seek to demonstrate their expertise in the faculty role through certification will be able to do so. After first applying to CGFNS to have their qualifications evaluated for eligibility, these faculty may apply to the NLN for authorization to take the CNE exam, which is administered online by Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc.

As of this moment, more than 5400 nurse faculty in the US are proud to use the CNE credential. Can you imagine what the future will bring? As Dr. Michael Bleich, president of CGFNS has stated, “Nursing education is fundamental to quality nursing practice.” We are standing at the cusp of what I expect will be a sea change for our global nursing family, our colleagues who teach and mentor students, as we do, in academic and educational settings in all countries of the world. For information about the CGFNS Credential Evaluation Service for CNE applicants, please contact jtodutka@cgfns.org.

I also have some follow-up news about another aspect of certification. This past May, the NLN wrote to members with news about a survey on clinical nursing education. I am happy to report that we had an excellent response. About 2,000 of you took the time to offer your comments.

Let me give you a brief history of this project. In 2015, the NLN convened a work group to identify the role and function of nurse educators who are responsible for students in the clinical setting and affiliated with and paid by an academic institution. The group reviewed the literature with a critical eye toward the development of required competencies and developed task statements based on the literature review. It then validated, reviewed, and revised the identified competencies. Your comments on the competencies and task statements are now being aggregated and reviewed by the work group as the NLN continues to research the academic clinical nurse educator role. Plans for dissemination and publication will come next – I will make sure to keep you informed.

Before I close, a note about public policy. The nomination of Dr. Mary Wakefield for deputy secretary of Health and Human Services is being held up in the Senate, for reasons that have nothing to do with her qualifications for the job. At a hearing on her nomination in February, she was cheered on by senators from both sides of the aisle. I hope you will urge your senator to do the right thing and let Mary take on this important job. The nation needs her.

And some reminders:

bullet Applications are open through September 30 for the three programs in the NLN Leadership Institute: LEAD, the Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators, and Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice. You don't want to miss your opportunity to apply. The opportunity to work with Dr. Janice Brewington is incredibly special.

bullet Registration is limited to 50 participants each at our two upcoming workshops taught by gifted gurus of debriefing: Dr. Mary Fey will lead Debriefing with Good Judgment on August 19; Dr. Kristina Dreifuerst will present Learning to Use Debriefing for Meaningful Learning on October 28. Good debriefing does not just happen, so don’t miss this great opportunity.

bullet Now is the time to start work on your school’s letter of intent to pursue designation as an NLN Center of Excellence, due October 15. The COE program acknowledges the outstanding innovations, commitment, and sustainability of excellence of schools of nursing and health care organizations that have achieved a level of excellence in specific areas. Details about the application process are online, along with information about our current COEs. We will soon announce the names of the outstanding and diverse nursing education programs that will be singled out as COEs at our upcoming NLN Education Summit, September 21-23 in Orlando. What else can be said: outstanding is outstanding.

bullet Registration for “Beyond Borders,” this year’s Summit, is ongoing, with the best rates available through July 31. As always, our CNEs will be issued handsome red canvas bags – a small distinction for a very distinguished, and ever-expanding, group of educators. There is nothing quite like the Summit.

Today I am excited about the future and the prospect of welcoming our CNE colleagues from all parts of the world at NLN Education Summits to come (next year in beautiful San Diego). Yes, life in the 21st century is complicated and we have our ups and downs. But as we consider our mission, to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community, I am convinced that nursing education is on the right path and I know I am privileged to take part in this journey. Enjoy your summer, and plan to join us in Orlando in September.


Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN
Chief Executive Officer

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