Text reads: HomeGrown Solutions, HomeGrown Simulation Solutions, an initiative of INACSL, powered by the N L N S I R C.

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How to Submit Your HomeGrown Solution

Please read these guidelines before beginning the submission process. HomeGrown Simulation Solutions is a way to display your creative solutions to simulation challenges.

  1. Submissions are evaluated using the HomeGrown Solutions evaluation rubric that include the following criteria:
    • Uniqueness of the idea
    • Identification of the problem
    • Presentation of the solution
    • Ability of others to replicate the solution
  2. Submissions must be the original work of the submitting author(s). The submitter retains the liability of the submission. Each submitter must complete the PDF permission form that indicates the submission is an original idea. Download the intellectual property release form. The submission will not be evaluated and will be removed from the site if there are any questions about the original author.
  3. Company names may not be mentioned in the submission.
  4. Photos of the item are required. Up to five photos may be submitted. Required pictures should show:
    • The item in stages as it is being created
    • The item fully created
    • The item in use
  5. Video is optional, but encouraged, and should show the item being developed and in use. Videos may not exceed 10 minutes in length. Videos must be posted on YouTube.com to be considered for inclusion on HomeGrown Solutions.
  6. Completed submissions are reviewed four times a year: January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15.
  7. All completed submissions received after midnight Eastern time on the due date will be considered during the next submission period. There are no exceptions.
  8. The lead contributor for each submission will be notified via email when the review period is complete (approximately two months after the submission deadline).
  9. Only submissions accepted by the HomeGrown Solutions Selection Committee are posted on the SIRC website. The contributors will be credited for their work and the lead contributor will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
  10. Once a submission is accepted and posted on the SIRC website, it will remain on the site and be removed only through the decisions of the HomeGrown Solution site administrator.